Memery came over for dinner and we had such a lovely evening. I enjoyed getting to know you friend. I had prepared this Orange Salmon for us and was delighted to hear it brought back some wonderful memories of her time in Alaska. She shared stories of dip net fishing and eating fresh caught red salmon. We hope you enjoy this red salmon drenched in a spicy orange sauce as much as we did.

Memery’s Orange Salmon

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1lb          Sockeye salmon, cut into a few steaks

zest 1    orange

juice 1   orange

1T           honey

1T           coconut aminos

2 clove  garlic

dash      cayenne

Preheat oven to 425.


In a small bowl whisk together, zest and juice of 1 orange, 1T honey, 1T coconut aminos, 2 cloves garlic minced, with a dash of cayenne.


Place the 1lb salmon steaks in a casserole dish with a lid. Pour over about half of the sauce. Cover and bake at 425 for 8-10 minutes, until it flakes. The internal temp should be 145.

Serve the remaining sauce with the salmon.

Please note, this recipe was developed at high altitude, your baking time may vary.

As pictured: with Memery’s Orange Broccoli and Memery’s Orange Rice.